Salonkultur - Der Literarische Salon - Berlin

Litrarische Salonkultur

Gelaufene Veranstaltung

Mittwoch, 11. Juni 2014 um 20.30 Uhr
in der Z-BAR

Lesung mit anschl. Gespräch

Philipp Reinartz liest aus seinem Debütroman "Katerstimmung" (Rowohlt TB, 2014)

Bild: © Rowohlt TB
Max arbeitet bei einem Fernsehsender, bei dem Nachrichten News heißen. Seine Freunde haben Geld, Zeit und Frauen, er beschäftigt sich mit Paris Hilton und neugeborenen Pandas. Und dann streicht ihm sein Chef auch noch den Urlaub. Auf einer Party tröstet sich Max mit Gin – und der schönen Spanierin Ana, die ihm die letzten Sinne raubt.
Am nächsten Morgen wacht er in einem fremden Bett auf. Ana ist weg, Max‘ Erinnerung auch. Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Traumfrau fliegt er Hals über Kopf nach Spanien. Seine besten Kumpels Lenny und Wilhelm kommen mit, und eine wilde Reise beginnt. Denn als Nachrichtenredakteur kann Max den Trip nur rechtfertigen, wenn dort unten etwas passiert. Dafür muss er sorgen ...


»Tiefgründiger als Jaud und unterhaltsamer als Hangover: eine bissig-unterhaltsame Gesellschaftssatire, die nicht nur Vertreter der Generation “Irgendwas mit Medien” denken lässt: Genau so ist es!«
WELT kompakt

»Womit man allerdings gar nicht gerechnet hat, ist der Witz, mit dem Reinartz seine erste Geschichte erzählt.«
Braunschweiger Zeitung

»Ein absurd komisches Romandebüt.«

»Ein sehr witziger Roman.«

»Ein perfektes Strandbuch, das man schnell und mit Spaß durchlesen kann.«
Berliner Morgenpost

»Passende Lektüre für einen verkaterten Strandtag.«

 Philipp Reinartz
Bild: © Sven Tupits (Fotogeen)
Philipp Reinartz, 1985 in Freiburg geboren, studierte Theater, Film und Fernsehen, Germanistik, Geschichte, Journalismus und Design Thinking in Köln, Saragossa und Potsdam. Macht auch sonst komische Sachen und gründete daher vor kurzem mit Freunden eine Firma für Smartphonespiele. Er hat bislang keinen Bestseller, Sendeplatz oder Grimme-Preis, dafür aber im Urlaub 2003 am Strand von Side Andi Brehme getunnelt.
Moderation: Britta Gansebohm
Freunde und Förderer des Literarischen Salons e.V.
in der Z-BAR
Bergstr. 2, Mitte / Rosenthaler Platz, 10115 Berlin
Gelaufene Veranstaltung

Mittwoch, 27. August 2014 um 20.30 Uhr
in der Z-BAR

Lesung und Gespräch in englischer Sprache

Deborah Jeanne Weitzman, Singer-Songwriter (USA), liest aus ihrem ersten Buch PANDORA LEARNS TO SING und singt Lieder zu ihrem Gitarrenspiel

What happens when there’s no pill strong enough to remove your terror? For Deborah, it all begins on a trip to Buenos Aires to dance tango and escape the dark cold winter of Norway. A few pills routinely taken to ease the fear of flying bring on – instead of the expected calm – a severe allergic reaction and total breakdown. Desperately ill and unable to fly home, she is forced to stay put and look at her life as never before.

Stranded in Buenos Aires, Deborah begins working with Ana, a profoundly insightful therapist, whose no-nonsense yet compassionate approach triggers a vital transformation: Deborah becomes aware of the root of her anxiety and her struggle with love.

This is a persistent theme in Pandora Learns to Sing, even as the settings change. Each new city, each new country, each new love affair, even each dance – especially the tango with its intriguing passion – offers a chance to be someone else. Yet you can travel to the ends of the earth, which Deborah does, and never get far enough away from your dreaded self . . .

Stimmen über das Buch

»Pandora Learns to Sing is a riveting exploration of one woman's journey through crisis, a physical journey to Buenos Aires and the world of tango and an emotional journey from breakdown to wholeness. I highly recommend it!«
Eric Maisel, The Van Gogh Blues

»This is a deeply exalted, painful, beautiful, deeply honest book. It is very well constructed, surprisingly original and seductively written. I was orbited into the exhilarating, brave and insightful journey, rooting for the protagonists success and well earned wholeness. Among one of the many scenes that took my breath away (needing to remind myself to breath) was the non-tangible experience of being one with the WHOLE trough Tango dancing. Also the journey through the therapeutic Primal process… and the passionate and deeply felt sensual love interactions. In my book, Deborah J. Weitzman establishes herself among writers that have important things to say. I am seriously waiting for the next book.«
Dr. Jana Klenburg, Therapist, Author and Poet, New York City

»A wonderful thing that rarely happens - I couldn't put this book down once I had started.It reads like an adventure story of discovering the authentic self, and all the perils and triumphs that journey entails. That the journey is also a geograhical one taking place in many different countries and on three continents, makes it all the more entertaining and exotic. A book full of courage and encouragement for all creative people, and for anyone who knows that the spiritual path is never paved as a straight line. A warm, honest and passionate book.«
Athene, Musician and writer Berlin

»Pandora Learns to Sing” was an eye-opener of how people with anxiety react on different situations. How you get help, and what really helps. Incredibly written, intense, yet easy to read and impossible to put down. From one who doesn’t suffer from any anxieties, still this was an amazing read. I do think it can help many people.«
Einar Sørbye, director of Unity Center in Oslo, Norway

 Deborah Jeanne Weitzman
Bild: © Joachim Gillert
Deborah Jeanne Weitzman was born in New York City in 1954. She grew up in a “melting pot” of cultures and as a child she became curious about the world. This led to a life of travel and exploration. Before words, Deborah was taught how to read music. She learned how to play several instruments and was always singing and making up songs. For over 25 years, Deborah has worked as a Singer-Songwriter and Teacher of Voice, Expression and the Alexander Technique. In a humble, spiritual approach, she continues to grow and learn from her students and audiences, and from all the people she meets on her travels. An accomplished songwriter, originally from New York City, and recipient of numerous ASCAP awards, her recordings Beneath Your Moon, Right Here and Touch the Sky are available on iTunes. Pandora Learns to Sing is her first book. She currently lives with her husband in Oslo and Berlin.
Moderation: Britta Gansebohm
Freunde und Förderer des Literarischen Salons e.V.
in der Z-BAR
Bergstr. 2, Mitte / Rosenthaler Platz, 10115 Berlin
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